last modified 10/3/2005
J.K. O'Regan
PUBLICATIONS (1973-2005)
ConfŽrences (1980-2005)
(* = invitŽ dans une confŽrence nationale ou par un laboratoire national ou international)
(** = invitŽ dans une confŽrence internationale)
**J.K. O'Regan. "Eye guidance and the stability of the visual world in reading." Last Whole Earth Eye Movement Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, 11-14 fŽvrier, 1980.
J.K. O'Regan. Essai de synthse des donnŽes concernant la stabilitŽ des objets en dŽpit des saccades oculaires." Laboratoire de Psychologie ExpŽrimentale, Paris, 21 avril, 1980.
Z. Kapoula, I. Czazckes, A. LŽvy-Schoen & J.K. O'Regan. "L'activitŽ des yeux du lecteur: recherches en cours dans le Groupe Regard." Colloque de la SociŽtŽ Franaise de Psychologie: Les Processus fondamentaux en oeuvre dans la lecture et dans la comprŽhension du langage Žcrit." Paris, 11 mai, 1980.
*J.K.O'Regan. "Mislocation of flashes during a saccades as a function of retinal position stimulated." European Conference on Visual perception, University of Sussex, Brighton, G.B. 3-6 sept. 1980.
J.K.O'Regan. "Aspects de la perception du monde visuel." Groupe Regard, 20 novembre, 1980.
J.K. O'Regan. "Quelques mystres de la perception visuelle." SŽminaire Bresson, Laboratoire de Psychologie, janvier 1981.
J.K. O'Regan. "Travaux du Groupe Regard." (avec les membres du Groupe Regard), CCETT (Equipe F. Kretz), Rennes, 26 fŽvrier, 1981.
J.K. O'Regan. "Le signal extra-rŽtinien existe-t-il?" Colloque Psychobiologie de la Perception Visuelle, EPHE, Paris, 19-21 mars, 1981.
O'Regan, J.K. "Localisation d'un bref stimulus prŽsentŽ en vision pŽriphŽrique: effets de l'excentricitŽ et de repres." JournŽes ThŽmatiques I.N.P., Forum Espace III, "Position et
Mouvement", Marseille, 24-25 avril, 1981.
O'Regan, J.K., F. Hella, A. Korinkova, & A. LŽvy-Schoen. "La vision au cours d'une fixation et au cours d'une sŽquence de fixations: travaux de l'Žquipe Exploration Visuelle." (SŽminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie ExpŽrimentale, 6 mai, 1981.
**J.K. O'Regan "Elementary perceptual and eye movement control processes in reading." Sloan Conference on Reading, Amherst, Mass, U.S.A., 11-13 juin, 1981.
*J.K. O'Regan "Overview of my work on reading." Bell Laboratories (Equipe Saul Sternberg), Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.A., 16 juin, 1981.
*J.K. O'Regan "The perception of letter strings." Cognitive Science Laboratory, University of California at San Diego, aožt 1981.
J.K. O'Regan "How the variation of acuity with eccentricity predicts why one can read easily over a wide rage of of viewing distances." Fourth European Conference on Visual Perception, Gouvieux, septembre 8-11, 1981.
J.K. O'Regan "Modle simple de perception des chaines de caractres." Groupe Regard. 10 dŽcembre, 1981.
J.K. O'Regan "PrŽsentation du Groupe Regard." Projet KAYAK, INRIA, Rocquencourt. 17 dŽcembre, 1981.
J.K. O'Regan & B. Brugaillre. Atelier Groupe Regard "Perception et Contr™le Moteur", Paris 16-24 juillet, 1982.
Jacobs, A.M., LŽvy-Schoen, A., & O'Regan, J.K. "A model of letter-in- string visibility: implications for reading." European Conference on Visual Perception, Leuven, 31 aožt - 3 septembre 1982.
J.K. O'Regan. "Size scaling, acuity, and the visibility of letter strings." Functional Properties of peripheral vision, Durham, G.B., 6-8 septembre 1982.
A. LŽvy-Schoen & J.K. O'Regan. "Champ visuel, mouvements des yeux et lecture: travaux du Groupe Regard." Laboratoire de Psychobiologie de l'Enfant, 12 novembre 19 82.
J.K. O'Regan. "Plusieurs expŽriences en cours sur la perception des mots en collaboration avec M. Jordan, J. Findlay et J. Pynte." J.K. O'Regan. Groupe Regard, 18 novembre 1982.
J.K. O'Regan & A. LŽvy-Schoen. "Un modle de visibilitŽ des lettres et ses implication pour la lecture." SŽminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie ExpŽrimentale, 6 dŽcembre 1982.
**J.K. O'Regan & A. LŽvy-Schoen. "ModŽlisation de la lisibilitŽ de typographies: effets du "grain" et de la distance de lecture." JournŽes Manipulation de documents, IRISA, Rennes, 4-6 mai, 1983.
J. K. O'Regan, "How the Eye Scans Isolated Words". Second European Conference on Eye Movements. Nottingham, G.B. 19-22 septembre 1983.
A. LŽvy-Schoen, J.K. O'Regan, A.M. Jacobs, & C. CoeffŽ. "The relationship between Visibility Span and Eye Movements in Various Scanning Tasks." "Second European Conference on Eye Movements." Nottingham, G.B. 19-22 septembre 1983.
J. K. O'Regan "Is the underestimation of distances in peripheral vision a sensory phenomenon, a mnemonic phenomenon, or is it caused by response factors?" Rencontre de la European Brain And Behaviour Society, Marseilles, 22-24 septembre, 1983.
J. K. O'Regan. Introduction pour la table ronde du Groupe Regard sur les Fonctions Psychophysiques. 27 oct 1983.
J. K. O'Regan, J. Pynte & C. CoeffŽ. "Comment le regard explore un mot isolŽ." Colloque Hommage ˆ Georges Noizet, Aix-en-Provence, 18-19 octobre 1984.
J. K. O'Regan & A. M. Jacobs. "SehschŠrfe-Funktion und typographische Merkmale: Korngršsse" als Basis der Berechnung von Buchstabenerkennungsspannen." Tagung Experimentell-arbeitender Psychologen. NŸrnberg, RFA, 15-19 avril 1984.
A.M. Jacobs, J.K. O'Regan & A. LŽvy-Schoen. "Zur Vorhersage von Augenbewegungsparameter und von Buchstabenerkennungsspannen: Effecte visueller Faktoren." Tagung experimentell-arbeitender Psychologen. Nuernberg, RFA, 15-19 avril 1984.
J.K. O'Regan. Exploration des mots par les yeux. Colloque INSERM sur le langage. 20-22 mai, 1985.
J.K. O'Regan. Les mouvements oculaires dans la lecture. Approche du Groupe Regard. Aix-en-Provence, 30 octobre, 1985.
*J.K. O'Regan. VisŽe oculaire et distribution du traitement cognitif dans la reconnaissance des mots. INSERM U94, Lyon, 20 mars, 1986.
**J.K. O'Regan & A. LŽvy-Schoen. Eye movement strategy and tactics in word recognition and reading. Attention & Performance XII, Windsor, July, 1986
**J.K. O'Regan. Acuity and eye movements in word recognition and reading. Erstes Symposium der Bielschowsky-Gesellschaft fuer Schielforschung. Gšttingen 4-5 oct obre, 1986
*J.K. O'Regan. Eye movement tactics in word recognition. Max Planck Institut fŸr Psycholinguistik, Neijmegen, 12 novembre, 1986.
J.K. O'Regan. AcuitŽ et mouvements oculaires dans la lecture. 10me Congrs d'OptomŽtrie et d'Optique de contact, Paris, 5-7 avril, 1987.
J.K. O'Regan. Three lectures on vision given at Summer School: "Verres de Spin, RŽseau de Neurones et Optimisation", Beg Rohu, 18 mai-12 juin, 1987.
**J.K. O'Regan. Visual acuity, lexical structure, and eye movements in word recognition. Workshop: "Working models of human perception". IPO, Eindhoven, 26-28 Augu st, 1987
F. Vitu & J.K. O'Regan. Optimal landing position in words of different length and frequency. Fourth European Conference on Eye Movements. Gšttingen, 21-24, 1987.
J.K.O'Regan. Colloque "Questions Vives de la Psychologie", Aix-en-Provence, 5-7 octobre, 1987
J.K.O'Regan. PrŽsentation des travaux du Groupe Regard. Ecole Normale SupŽrieure, Paris, 4 dŽcembre 1987.
J.K. O'Regan. "Les vrais mystres de la perception visuelle." CREA, Paris, 21 janvier, 1988.
J.K. O'Regan. Vers une nouvelle thŽorie du guidage oculaire. Colloque SFP: "Automatisme et controle", Dijon, 29-30 janvier, 1988.
*J.K. O'Regan. Vers une nouvelle thŽorie du guidage oculaire. DŽpartement de Psychologie, Genve, 1 fŽvrier, 1988.
*J.K. O'Regan. Vers une nouvelle thŽorie du guidage oculaire. DŽpartement de Psychologie, Aix-en-Provence, 12 fŽvrier, 1988.
S. Thorpe, J.K. O'Regan & A. Pouget. Humans fail on XOR pattern recognition problems. nEuro'88, Paris, 6-9 juin, 1988
F. Vitu & J.K. O'Regan. Is there an optimal landing position in words when parafoveal preview and context are available? British Psychological Society, London, 19-20 December, 1988.
*J.K. O'Regan. Towards a new theory of eye guidance in reading. University of Melbourne, August, 1988.
J.K. O'Regan. Towards a new theory of eye guidance in reading. International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, 28 August - 2 September, 1988.
J.K. O'Regan, Towards a new theory of eye guidance in reading. Monash University, Melbourne, October, 1988.
J.K. O'Regan, The importance of eye movements for word recognition. University of Melbourne, October, 1988.
F. Vitu & J.K. O'Regan. Eye movements in reading: optimal landing position and usefulness of peripheral preview. First International conference on Visual Search. Durham, September 5-8, 1988.
J.K. O'Regan. Un microcosme de la perception visuelle: la reconnaissance des mots. La Perception Visuelle. SociŽtŽ Franaise de Psychologie; Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, Paris 23-24 Mars, 1989.
F. Vitu & J.K. O'Regan, Is there an optimal landing position in words during reading of texts? Fifth European Conference on Eye movements. Pavia, September 10-13, 1989.
J.K. O'Regan, Towards a new theory of eye movements in reading. Dept. of Psychology, University of Louvain, November 7, 1989.
*J.K. O'Regan, Some consequences of retinal inhomogeneity. Institut fŸr Medizinische Psychologie der Ludwig-Maximilians UniversitŠt, MŸnchen, November 20, 1989.
*J.K. O'Regan, Retinal inhomogeneity, word recognition, and reading. Dept. Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton, January 24, 1990.
*J.K. O'Regan, Retinal inhomogeneity, word recognition, and reading. MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, January 26, 1990.
J.K. O'Regan, Les composantes visuelles et motrices de la lecture. SociŽtŽ Franaise de Psychologie, Lille, March 29, 1990.
*J.K. O'Regan, PrŽtraitements spŽcialisŽs et mouvements oculaires dans la vision. Dept. de Psychologie, UniversitŽ de Grenoble, April 24, 1990.
*J.K. O'Regan, The optimal viewing position in words, and a new theory of eye movements in reading. Dept. de Psychologie, UniversitŽ de Berne, April 26, 1990.
**J.K. O'Regan, Les vrais mystres de la perception visuelle. JournŽes Neurosciences et Sciences de l'IngŽnieur, Aussois, 7-10 May, 1990.
**J.K. O'Regan, Towards a new theory of eye movements in reading. Conference on Reading, Amherst, USA, 15-17 August, 1990.
*J.K. O'Regan, Some consequences of retinal inhomogeneity. Univ. of Minneapolis, 22 August, 1990.
*J.K. O'Regan, Some consequences of retinal inhomogeneity. Rutgers University, 24 August, 1990.
**J.K.O'Regan & F. Fallside. Report on Connectionist models for adaptive intelligence. CODEST conference on BRAIN Initiative. Dublin, 13-14 September, 1990.
**J.K.O'Regan. Optimal Viewing position in quadrupeds. Human Frontier Science Program Workshop on Object and Scene Perception, Leuven, 27-29 September, 1990.
J.K. O'Regan, Reconnaissance des lettres, des mots, et des objets. ConfŽrence dans le sŽminaire "Traitement Neuronal de l'information", LAFORIA, Paris, 13 dŽcembre, 1990.
J.K. O'Regan, Aspects perceptifs dans la lecture. ConfŽrence dans le sŽminaire "La lecture et son apprentissage: approches cognitives", EHESS et INRP, 18 janvier, 1991.
**J.K.O'Regan, The "real" mysteries of visual perception. ESPRIT BRA Workshop on Neural Networks in Natural and Artificial Vision, Chamrousse, 29-30 January, 1991.
J.K.O'Regan. The role of acuity and orthographic constraints in the recognition of long words. Aix Workshop on Language Comprehension, La Baume ls Aix, 26-27 avril, 1991.
J.K. O'Regan, Aspects perceptifs et mouvements des yeux dans la lecture. Colloque "Vision et Lecture", Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes, ENS,Paris, 30 mai, 1991.
*J.K. O'Regan, Some consequences of retinal inhomogeneity: optimal viewing position in words and translation invariance in pattern recognition. Beckman Institute, Champaign Illinois, 8 Mai 1991
*J.K. O'Regan, From visual psychophysics to reading. Didot Summer School, Ecole Polytechnique FŽdŽrale, Lausanne, Sept. 1991.
J.K.O'Regan, reconnaissance des lettres, des mots et des formes. SŽminaire Traitement Neuronal de l'Information, LAFORIA, 13 dŽcembre, 1991.
J.K. O'Regan, ConsŽquences de la non-homogŽnŽitiŽ rŽtinienne. SociŽtŽ Franaise d'Optique Physiologique. Paris, 8 dŽcembre 1991.
**J.K. O'Regan, Approches de la psychophysique et de la psychologie expŽrimentale dans l'Žtude de la reconnaissance des formes, des lettres, des mots, et dans la lecture. Groupe de travail AFCET: Traitement automatique de l'Ecrit. Telecom, Paris. 6 fŽv. 1992.
**J.K.O'Regan, Using the optimal viewing position phenomenon to probe the role of acuity, of oculomotor constraints, of lexical statistics and of morphological structure in the visual recognition of words. Language perception and comprehension: Multi-disciplinary approaches, Marseille, 14-18 juillet, 1992.
F. Vitu, J.K.O'Regan, T. Nazir & A.M. Jacobs, Comparison of Strategy-Tactics and Attentional Theories of eye movement guidance in reading. International Congress of Psychology, Bruxelles, 19-24 juillet, 1992.
J.K.O'Regan, The effects of lexical constraints on the optimal viewing position phenomenon in word recognition. Third European Workshop on Language Comprehension, Dundee, 8-9 sept. 1992
*J.K.O'Regan, Pourquoi le monde ne bouge pas quand on bouge les yuex. Pourquoi on ne remarque pas la tache aveugle, et d'autres mystres de la perception visuelle." DEA de Neurosciences, Univ. Aix-Marseille, 18 mars 1993.
**J.K.O'Regan, Lecture et perception visuelle des caractres. Cours Postscript, Ecole Polytechnique FŽdŽrale de Lausanne, 17 mars, 1993
G.W. Humphreys, L. Fuentes, J.K. O'Regan, D. Watson, Memory for location: Effects of eye position and object-based coding. Experimental Psychology Society, Cambridge, April, 1993.
*J.K. O'Regan. Strategy tactics theory of eye movement guidance in reading. University of Boston, 20 April, 1993.
*J.K.O'Regan. Lack of translation invariance in visual perception. Dept. of Psychology, MIT., 22 April, 1993.
*J.K. O'Regan. Strategy tactics theory of eye movement guidance in reading. Dept. of Psychology, New York University. 26 April, 1993.
F. Vitu & J.K. O'Regan. A challenge to current theories of eye movements during reading. ECEM, Durham, 1 sept. 1993.
J.K. O'Regan. Les "vrais" mystres de la perception visuelle. Institut de l'Ecole Normale SupŽrieure, 14 septembre, 1993.
**J.K. O'Regan. Strategy-Tactics theory of Eye movements in reading. Wenner-Gren Conference, Stockholm, 26-29 jan. 1994
*J.K. O'Regan. Mouvements des yeux et lecture. Collge de France, 2 fŽvrier, 1994.
**J.K. O'Regan. (In)variances et stabilitŽ du monde visuel. JournŽes MathŽmatiques de la Vision, Rennes, 10 fŽvrier, 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. La Psychologie de la vision. JournŽes Psychologie de la Vision, Projet SYNTIM, INRIA, Rocquencourt, 31 mars, 1994
*J.K. O'Regan. Comment compenser les dŽfauts du systme visuel. JournŽes Psychologie de la Vision, Projet SYNTIM, INRIA, Rocquencourt, 31 mars, 1994.
J.K.O'Regan. Perception visuelle et auditive. Journee Cogniseine. CNRS, Paris, 6 juin 1994.
**J.K. O'Regan. From psychophysics to reading. Visual Word Recognition Workshop, LNC-CNRS, Marseille, 4-8 juillet, 1994.
*J.K.O'Regan. Eye movements in reading. University College Dublin, 5 aožt, 1994.
J. Ninio & J.K. O'Regan. An account of the Zšllner illusion in terms of bias in the estimated global orientation of stacks of small oriented line segments. ECVP, Eindhoven, 4-8 sept. 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. The 'real' mysteries of visual perception. Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Milan, 7 nov, 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. Against 'filling in', extraretinal signals, saccadic suppression, and other compensation mechanisms in human vision. Max Planck Institut for Cognitive Psychology. Munich, 9 nov, 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. Les "vrais" mystres de la perception visuelle. SŽminaire Ecologie des Transports Urbains. RATP, Noissy. 24 nov, 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. The 'real' mysteries of visual perception. Nissan Basic Research. Cambridge, Mass. dŽc. 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. The 'real' mysteries of visual perception. Dept. of Psychology, MIT., dŽc. 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. The 'real' mysteries of visual perception. Dept. of Psychology, Northeastern University, dŽc. 1994.
*J.K. O'Regan. The 'real' mysteries of visual perception. Dept. of Psychology, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis., dŽc. 1994.
**J.K.O'Regan, Seeing everything is an illusion. Workshop on Scene Perception, Cambridge Basic Research, Boston, 26 juin, 1995
*J.K. O'Regan, When large scene changes can remain unnoticed. Dept. of Psychology, Rutgers University, 28 Juin, 1995
*J. K. O'Regan , When large scene changes are invisible. Departement de Psychologie, New York University, 2 mai, 1997
J.K. O'Regan, H. Deubel, J.J. Clark & R..A. Rensink, Picture changes during blinks : not seeing where you look and seeing where you donÕt look. ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale, 14 mai 1997
*J. K. O'Regan, Perception de changements dans les scnes visuelles. SociŽtŽ dÕOptique Physiologique, Paris 30 mai 1997
J. K. O'Regan. Perception visuelle. UV Neurones et Modles. INRA, Paris..22 nov 1997
*J.K.O'Regan, Le monde ˆ l'envers, et autres problmes tordus. Forum Annuel de Neuropsychologie. Paris, 1-4 dŽc. 1997.
J.K. O'Regan. Mudsplashes render picture changes invisible. Poster prŽsentŽ au colloque IPSEN: Languages of the Brain, Paris, 13-14 mars 1998.
V. Gautier, J.K. O'Regan, F. Rigaudire, Y. Grall, J-F. Le Gargasson. The 'THE'-skipping effect in reading sentences revisited with a scanning laser ophthalmoscope. ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale, 10-15 mai 1998
J.K. O'Regan. Detecting scene changes: an overview and a theory for recent findings. ECVP, Oxford, aožt, 1998.
**J.K. O'Regan. Reflections on blindness to scene changes, and implications for a theory of visual qualia. Conf invitŽe: "Perceptual Plasticity". Starnberger, 22-24/4/1999.
*J.K. O'Regan. Reflections on blindness to scene changes, and implications for a theory of visual qualia. Conf invitŽe: Dept. Psychologie, Univ. Glasgow, 29/4/1999.
V. Gautier, J.K. O'Regan, J-F. Le Gargasson. Model of saccade landing site during reading. ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, 9-14 Mai, 1999.
**J.K.O'Regan. Blindness to scene changes: implications for a theory of visual qualia. Cognitive Science Conference on Perception, consciousness and Art. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bruxelles, 17-19 mai 1999.
*J.K.O'Regan. Blindness to scene changes: implications for a theory of visual qualia. Neurologisches Therapiecentrum, Heinrich Heine UniversitŠt DŸsseldorf, 28 mai, 1999.
**J.K.O'Regan. Change blindness and a theory of visual qualia. Conference on Vision and Attention, York University, Toronto. 22-26 Juin, 1999.
**J. K. O'Regan. Change Blindness. Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering. Telluride, Colorado. 27 juin -17 juillet 1999.
*J.K. O'Regan. Une thŽorie sensorimotrice de l'expŽrience visuelle. La cŽcitŽ aux changements dans les scnes visuelles. CNRC, Marseille. 16 nov. 1999.
*J.K. O'Regan. Une thŽorie sensorimotrice de l'expŽrience visuelle. La cŽcitŽ aux changements dans les scnes visuelles. CeRCCO, Toulouse, 26 nov 1999.
*J.K. O'Regan. A sensorimotor theory of visual experience. Change blindness in visual scenes. Dept of Computer Science. University College Dublin. 2 dŽc. 1999.
*J. K. O'Regan. A sensorimotor theory of visual experience. Change blindness in visual scenes. Institut des Sciences Cognitives. Lyon, 20 janv. 2000.
*J.K. O'Regan. A sensorimotor theory of visual experience. Change blindness in visual scenes. Institute of Ophthalmology, Londres, 2 fŽvrier, 2000.
*J.K. O'Regan. A sensorimotor theory of visual experience. Change blindness in visual scenes. Dept. Psychologie, Sussex University, Brighton, 3 fŽv. 2000.
*J. K. O'Regan. Change blindness and a sensorimotor theory of visual experience. NIH, Washington, D.C. 5-6 avril, 2000.
*J. K. O'Regan. Change blindness and a sensorimotor theory of visual experience. University of Houston Eye Clinic, Houston. 6-7 avril, 2000.
**J. K. O'Regan. Tutorial on Change Blindness. Consciousness 2000. Tucson, 9 avril 2000.
**J. K. O'Regan. "Change Blindness" and the visual world as an "outside memory". Consciousness 2000. ConfŽrence plŽniaire. Tucson 10-16 avril 2000.
*J. K. O'Regan. Change Blindness and a theory of visual qualia. Dept. Psychologie, UCSC, Santa Cruz. 21 avril, 2000.
*J. K. O'Regan. Change Blindness and a theory of visual qualia. Center for Intelligent Machines, McGill University, Montreal. 27 avril, 2000.
**J.K. O'Regan. Visual experience is not something we feel but something we do: change blindness as an empirical consequence of a sensorimotor theory of seeing. How and Why do we perceive objects? MENRT, Paris. 23 juin, 2000.
J.K. O'Regan. Visual experience is not something we feel but something we do: change blindness as an empirical consequence of a sensorimotor theory of seeing. ASSC4, Bruxelles, 29 juin-2 Juillet 2000.
*J.K. O'Regan. CŽcitŽ aux changements et expŽrience visuelle. IUP Vision, St Etienne. 7 juillet 2000.
**J.K. O'Regan. Change Blindness (poster demonstration). Attention & Performance XIX. Kloster Irsee, 16-22 juillet 2000.
J.J. Clark & J.K. O'Regan. Temporal difference model of perceptual stability in color vision. Poster presentation. ICPR Barcelona, 3-8 sept, 2000.
*J.K. O'Regan. Perception Visuelle et conscience. UV EuropŽenne "Neurones". INRA-NPG. Paris, 23 nov. 2000.
O'Regan. CŽcitŽ aux changements et expŽrience visuelle. Lab. de Psychologie
ExpŽrimentale, Grenoble, 5 dŽc. 2000.
**J.K. O'Regan. The illusion of seeing. 19th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, 21-26 jan 2001
J.K. O'Regan. L'illusion de voir: Une hypothse sensorimotrice pour expliquer l'origine de la qualitŽ des modalitŽs sensorielles" SŽminaire "Esprit et Langage " de la FRE Jean-Nicod, 9 mars 2001.
*J.K.O'Regan. How can a physical system feel something? A response for vision, with application to the phenomenon of "Change Blindness" in visual scenes. Dept. of Philosophy, Oxford, 21 May, 2001
*J.K. O'Regan, How can a physical system feel something? A response for vision, with application to the phenomenon of "Change Blindness" in visual scenes. Depts. of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Birmingham, 22 May, 2001.
*J. K. O'Regan. The illusion of seeing: a sensorimotor theory of sensory phenomenology. International Colloquium : "Seeing and Thinking. Reflections on Kanizsa's Studies in Visual Cognition". Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome, June 8-9, 2001.
J.K.O'Regan, J.J. Clark, A. Bompas. Implications of a "sensorimotor" theory of vision for scene perception and color sensation. European Conference on Visual Perception, Kusadasi, Turkey, August 26-30, 2001
M. Auvray, J.K. O'Regan. Influence of Semantic Factors on Blindness to Progressive Changes in Visual Scenes. (Poster) European Conference on Visual Perception, Kusadasi, Turkey, August 26-30, 2001
J. K. O'Regan. Implications of change blindness for understanding the phenomenology of sensation. ESCOP, Edinburgh, September 5-8, 2001.
*J.K.O'Regan. Change Blindness and a sensorimotor theory of visual experience. Dept of Psychology, Univ. Glasgow. September 6, 2001.
*J.K. O'Regan, J.J. Clark, J.-P. Nadal, M. Auvray, A. Bompas, D. Philipona. Implications of a "sensorimotor" theory of visual phenomenality for change blindness, color perception, sensory substitution and the notion of space and object. International Workshop "Pathways to Abstraction: From Experience to Concept", September 10-13, 2001, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
J.K. O'Regan & A. Bompas. Implications of a 'sensorimotor' theory of visual phenomenality for change blindness, color perception, sensory substitution and the notion of space andobject. Atelier sur la gense de la perception et de la notion d'espace chez lerobot et l'homme. Ecole Normale SupŽrieure, 18-19 octobre 2001.
M. Auvray, D. Philipona, J.K. O'Regan. Notion of space and form recognition in a simulated environment. Atelier sur la gense de la perception et de la notion d'espace chez lerobot et l'homme. Ecole Normale SupŽrieure, 18-19 octobre 2001.
M. Auvray, D. Philipona, J.K.O'Regan, Tentative d'induire la notion d'espace dans un environnement virtuel simple. Atelier Perception et Constitution de l'Espace. JournŽes du RESCIF. 28 octobre 2001
M. Auvray, D. Philipona, J.K. O'Regan. PrŽsentation de logiciels permettent de crŽer des expŽriences de substitution sensorielle en environnement simulŽ. Atelier Perception et Constitution de l'Espace. JournŽes du RESCIF. 27 octobre 2001
J.K. O'Regan. Approche sensorimotrice de laphŽnomŽnologie visuelle. Atelier PhŽnomŽnologie et Cognition, ENS, 30 octobre, 2001.
J.K. O'Regan. Comment un systme physique comme le cerveau peut-il engendrer une sensation? Une approche sensorimotrice appliquŽe ˆ la conscience visuelle." SŽminaire Cerveau et Cognition, Ecole Polytechnique, 5 dŽc. 2001.
J.K. O'Regan. Approche sensorimotrice de laphŽnomŽnologie visuelle. JournŽes de l'ARCO. Paris, 18 janvier 2002.
*J.K. O'Regan. Implications of a "sensorimotor" theory of visual phenomenality for change blindness, color perception, sensory substitution and the notion of space and object. University of Sunderland, 6 fŽvrier 2002
E. Myin & J.K. O'Regan. From sensation to belief: an analytical phenomenolgoy of conscious experience. Towards a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, 8-12 Avril, 2002.
J.K. O'Regan. Le leurre des corrŽlats neuronaux de la conscience. Atelier "Imagerie fonctionnelle et conscience" (org. S. Dehaene), ENS, 10 avril 2002.
**J.K.O'Regan. Je me souviens et j'oublie. Festival de la Science de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc. 8-11 mai, 2002.
**J.K.O'Regan. "Exploring empirical predictions of the sensorimotor approach to sensory experience" Workshop on Perceptual Behaviour. University of Leuven. 13 mai, 2002.
*J.K. O'Regan & D. Philipona. Co-variation sensori-motrice comme base de la phŽnomŽnalitŽ sensorielle: expŽriences sur la couleur, et esquisse de formalisation mathŽmatique. "Invariants dans les systmes complexes". Amiens, 17 mai 2002.
*J.K. O'Regan. Co-variation sensori-motrice comme base de la phŽnomŽnalitŽ sensorielle : expŽriences sur la couleur, et esquisse de formalisation mathŽmatique. INSERM 534, Lyon, 20 juin 2002.
J.J. Clark, A. Bompas, & J.K. O'Regan. Color Perception in the Sensorimotor Contingency Theory. European Conference on Visual Perception, Glasgow, 25-29 aožt, 2002.
**J.K. O'Regan & A. No‘. The origin of "feel". Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Edinburgh, 5-9 aožt, 2002.
**J.K. O'Regan. The construction of space from sensorimotor co-variation. Visual Space Perception and Action. Ohlstadt, Allemagne, 20-23 sept. 2002.
J.K. OÕRegan. How the brain makes space : a sensorimotor approach. JournŽes Franco-italiennes, SociŽtŽ de Neuropsychologie de Langue Franaise et Societa Italiana di Neuropsicologia, Paris, 17-18 oct. 2002.
**J.K. O'Regan. Explaining phenomenal consciousness (better) in terms of bodiliness and grabbiness. Munich Encounters in Cognition and Action, Munich, 13 dŽc. 2002.
*J.K. O'Regan. A sensorimotor account of consciousness. Consciousness Club, Functional imaging laboratory, University College, London. 15 janv. 2003
*J.K. O'Regan. Sensations as intrinsic laws of sensorimotor dependency. Max Planck Institut fŸr Psychologische Forschung, Munich, 10 juil. 2003.
*J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona, J.-P. Nadal. Comment le cerveau peut construire lÕespace sans rien savoir a priori sur la manire dont il est connectŽ ˆ ses capteurs et effecteurs. SŽminaire STIC "Action SpŽcifique Fouille d'Images", 24 janv 2003
*J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona, J.-P. Nadal. A sensorimotor approach to the feel of sensory experience, and the genesis of the notion of space. Utrecht, 7 fŽv. 2003
**J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona, J.-P. Nadal. Seeing with sensorimotor contingencies. International workshop on attention and performance in computer vision. Graz, 3 avr. 2003.
*J. K. OÕRegan. Workshop on Consciousness. Cuernavaca, 7-12 avr. 2003.
*J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona, J.-P. Nadal. Comment le cerveau peut construire lÕespace sans rien savoir a priori sur la manire dont il est connectŽ ˆ ses capteurs et effecteurs. Colloque La Philosophie de la Nature aujourdÕhui. Paris, MSH 26-28 mars 2003.
*J. K. OÕRegan. ??? SŽminaire STP, MSH, Paris, 25 mars, 2003.
**J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona. A sensorimotor approach to the feel of sensory experience, and the genesis of the notion of space. National Brain Research Institute, New Delhi, 24-26 fŽv. 2003.
**J. K. O'Regan, E. Myin, A.No‘. Explaining the amount of sensory "feel" of a mental state in terms of corporality and alerting capacity. Conference on Enactive Consciousness, Oxford 27-29 June 2003.
**J. K. OÕRegan, D. Philipona, J.-P. Nadal. A sensorimotor approach to the feel of sensory experience, and the genesis of the notion of space. Interactivist Summer Institute, Copenhagen, 21-26 juil. 2003
A. No‘, J.K. O'Regan. On comprehending the sensory effects of movement: toward a theory of perception and consciousness. ECVP, Paris 3-6 sept. 2003.
**J. K. OÕRegan. Conscious contents: change blindness, sensory experience and sensory substitution. British Neuropsychiatry Association, London, Feb 26, 2004
**J. K. OÕRegan. Sensory mconsciousness explained better. Enactive Perception Symposium, Sussex University, 9-10 mars, 2004
**J. K. OÕRegan. Phenomenal consciousness explained better. Consciousness : Empirical findings and philosophical interpretations, Copenhagen, May 15-16, 2004
**J. K. OÕRegan. Phenomenal consciousness explained better. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Antwerp, 25-28 juin, 2004
M. Harrar, G. Baillet, B. Bourdoncle, H. Brettel, J. K. O'Regan, & F. Vienot. Validation of a method for testing changes in color appearance. AIC, 2005